Shine Through (a poem)

If any of you have veen helped by music,  you’ll undersrand where I was when I was writing this poem!

Through the noise
And the pain
It’s part of what kept my fighting through the rain
The screams ring still
In my ears
The end is ever drawing near
But if there’s one beacon
One thin string of light
On this Earthly plane
It’s your voice
Always able to cut through the madness
Reach me when no one else could
Like your warm hand on mine
Like a hug when I’m crying
Barely holding it together
Your art keeps me going
It keeps me strong
I’m so glad you found me
That fateful night
You’re a million miles away
But when I hear your voice
Is like you’re right there
By my side
Thank you for continuing to shine through

Shine Through (a poem)

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