Burden (a poem)

Take that little piece

It’s okay

Take it

Take it far away from me

Keep it

Burn it

Throw it away

I don’t care

Just take it with you

I don’t want it anymore

It’s such a burden

Such a heavy thing to carry around

You know?

Like an albatross around my neck

A ball and chain

That thing I never noticed

Suddenly became everything to me

Such a noticeable thing I can’t go a day without thinking of

There is always a reminder

Here, there


I can’t get away

So take it

Let your pets eat it

Stomp it under your Converse shoes

Damnit, I don’t care

Just don’t let me keep it

Make me one promise once you have it

Whatever you do with it

Don’t take it for granted

It’s such a burden to have

A heart in love

Burden (a poem)