Hi, everyone! I’m here to announce that this website is moving! You’ll still be getting plenty of news and updates, even poetry, from me, but now it will be on my official website.
I’ve been with WordPress for years, and will still be keeping this site up (it has a lot of exclusive poetry), but felt I needed to move to a bigger host.
The new link is below!  I look forward to “seeing” you all there! There’s a section to see all my current work, upcoming projects, press features and ways to contact me. The only thing I have to update is my events page, which will be coming shortly.



wishfulthinking coverwishfulthinkingcontents

Hello, readers! I am so very excited to be announcing the official publication of the anthology Wishful Thinking from Fireside Press, the first in the Wishes series of books.

In Wishful Thinking, you will find my horror/sci-fi short story, “Kill ‘Em With Kindness”, about a young man who wishes people would just be kind. He gets his wish, but it all quickly goes horribly wrong…

I was inspired to write this story because of two things: one, the state of this absolutely crazy world we live in and two, a quote I heard a few years ago, about wanting kindness to be a normal thing instead of a rarity. This is my favorite story I’ve written to date and I am so glad that Fireside Press picked it up!

Below you will find the Amazon link (the book is only $0.99!). Please purchase it and leave a review, helping the indie writer community that came together to make this book possible. Most of all, ENJOY!

I grew up surrounded by books, and to know that my story is out there, in a book, for people to enjoy at the leisure, it amazes me. I am so grateful and thankful to God and to everyone who believed in me and encouraged me through this journey. My mom, for one, has always been just the best. She;s the reason I keep pushing onwards. But I have so many friends who keep me going by being supportive. You all know who you are.

Enjoy everyone! xoxo LL

You can purchase Wishful Thinking by clicking HERE!


Burden (a poem)

Take that little piece

It’s okay

Take it

Take it far away from me

Keep it

Burn it

Throw it away

I don’t care

Just take it with you

I don’t want it anymore

It’s such a burden

Such a heavy thing to carry around

You know?

Like an albatross around my neck

A ball and chain

That thing I never noticed

Suddenly became everything to me

Such a noticeable thing I can’t go a day without thinking of

There is always a reminder

Here, there


I can’t get away

So take it

Let your pets eat it

Stomp it under your Converse shoes

Damnit, I don’t care

Just don’t let me keep it

Make me one promise once you have it

Whatever you do with it

Don’t take it for granted

It’s such a burden to have

A heart in love

Burden (a poem)

A Century (a poem)

I thought I was mistaken

Never thought I’d see you again

I watched you die

Slowly, your mortal body

Wilted before my undying eyes

I walked away

Didn’t have the courage to change you

Didn’t have a heart to watch your smile

The light in your eyes

Fade away

When you left you took

A little piece of me

Away with you to Heaven

You promised me you’d see me again

Baby, I just wonder when?

Because immortality is no fun

If I can’t spend it with you

And now you’re here

Back again

But you’re not the same

You don’t know me anymore

A familiar face, the same place

But a different heart inside

A century went by

I barely noticed

Missing you

And now I miss you more

You’re here but you’re not the man I knew

Your heart is hardened

And I don’t know what to do

Can I make your mortal heart open up?

Can you make my immortal soul love again?

A Century (a poem)

Heartfelt Heroism (a poem)

They say

The true meaning of

A hero is…

To die so that others can live

Love is…

To care for another’s happiness

More than your own

Life cannot be only

This self-sacrificing charade

We live for others

More than ourselves

Their pains hurt us

Their woes devastate us

But it is not our choice

We were born like this

To hold other’s closer than we hold ourselves

To feel what they feel

To try and ease their suffering

Before our own

While we might not understand it

We cannot turn it off

We must embrace it

And hope that we can help

And be all that we can be

All that we were created to be

Heartfelt Heroism (a poem)


Thank you to those at @poetryloving on Instagram for spotlighting my impromptu poem for the prompt “guitar”. I wrote it in a matter of two minutes and bared it on someone very special to me and I’m glad it received such attention!
I’m so appreciative of the support I receive for my friends, family & fellow writers. ♥


Perfect Poison (a poem)

Your perfect concoction of
Sweet poison
Oh, how it spilled
Spills from your pretty pink lips
Like sweet nectar I lap it up
Fooling myself that it will help me
Make me better
And maybe it did for a while
But like all
Dangerous substances
It’s killing me now
Destroying me like
Fire slowly burns a photograph
Like the one we took together that first night
Smiling, your head on mine
I want to go back to that time
Lines were blurred
But you were here
Spilling your poison
Down my throat
I lapped it up eagerly
But like a drug
I’m having withdrawals
I’d rather OD on your sweet poison
Than die for the lack of it’s
Deadly effects

Perfect Poison (a poem)

Pleasure/Pain (a poem)

Pierce me with your eyes
They hypnotize as you hurt me
So I don’t feel a thing
Lash me with your tongue
It speaks volumes of beauty
But not to me
Bury me in your arms
So warm and yet so cold
I’d be happy and content
To lie with you forever

Pleasure/Pain (a poem)

First Love (a poem)

I’m still in love with
My first love
Oh, I was but
A child of sixteen
But I knew
Yes, I knew I loved him
The very moment I saw him
The very moment I heard him
He did nithing but
Be the man God made him to be
And I fell so fast
I didn’t feel it happening
I fell so hard
I never realized how much it hurt
When I hit the ground
So violently
The pain was unbearable
I feel it now
Listening to words that were
Just for my ears
He holds a piece of me
He took it when he left
He is the only person who can
Give it back
But he’s holding it captive
And the worst part is
I don’t even think
He knows it
It’s been years
I’ve grown up
But still I hold fast to
My feelings for him
Because I believe that
As long as he and I both still
There is a chance that he and I could still be
Happily ever after
Because he is
My love
My heart
My angel

First Love (a poem)

Burning Remains (a poem)

{Here is the longer version of an open mic poem I posted on Instagram earlier today. For all of you who have only read my “broken heart” poems, you might be surprised by this. Enjoy!}

Home for the dead
But no one ever visits them
Instead, they go out to see us
Broken spirits who can’t leave this plane
Leave the existence that killed them
Leave this place behind
They haunt us
They are always here
The ancient ones
The headstones are cracked
Covered in moss
Drenched in the tears of pain
The dead have shed
In the form of the pouring rain
All around us
We feel the cold of their ghosts
The lost ones
The forgotten
Who can’t remember their own names
But remember the ones who
Scarred them
Evrn in death those feelings linger
Like a malignant tumor on the soul
That’s why they stay
To make it right
To get revenge
Maybe if we thought to
Remember them
We wouldn’t have to
Burn their bones
Maybe if we thought of them
They could rest in peace

Burning Remains (a poem)